Haplogroup Q, Marker M242…
This is my direct paternal line’s migratory pattern. These are my results from participating in the National Geographic’s Genographic Project.
My yDNA identifies me as:
“Your Y chromosome results identify you as a member of haplogroup Q, a lineage defined by a genetic marker called M242. This haplogroup is the final destination of a genetic journey that began some 60,000 years ago with an ancient Y chromosome marker called M168.”
Read more about my results here…
Here are the data from this study’s Table S3 for hoapogrlups E1b1b, T, G, and I. Beside the name of each hoapogrlup, I have listed, in order from greater to lesser frequency, the five regions in which this hoapogrlup was most frequently found. Each island is counted as a region unto itself; the ranking for a country, such as “Italy” or “Greece,” is calculated [i]without[/i] the data for any islands that belong to the respective country.Haplogroup E1b1b: Tunisia, Egypt, Greece, Sicily, SerbiaN. Egypt: 23/43 = 53.5%Non contact Tunisia: 46/94 = 48.9%S. Greece: 20/46 = 43.5%Coastal Tunisia: 14/36 = 38.9%N. Greece: 34/96 = 35.4%S. Egypt: 9/29 = 31.0%E. Sicily: 25/87 = 28.7%S. Italy: 18/68 = 26.5%Italy NEL*: 14/55 = 25.5%Serbia: 18/81 = 22.2%Greece: 17/78 = 21.8%Albania: 11/51 = 21.6%Italy WCP: 15/71 = 21.1%N. Portugal: 21/101 = 20.8%Greece: 16/77 = 20.8%Non-Phoenician Levant: 58/286 = 20.3%Cyprus: 13/65 = 20.0%W. Sicily: 24/125 = 19.2%Minorca: 7/37 = 18.9%Phoenician Periphery: 112/700 = 16.0%Italy WCL: 9/57 = 15.8%Phoenician Heartland: 88/558 = 15.8%Turkey #1: 8/52 = 15.4%Turkey #4: 12/82 = 14.6%N. Sardinia: 11/86 = 12.8%Turkey #9: 10/81 = 12.3%Non contact Iberia: 47/383 = 12.3%S. Turkey: 4/33 = 12.1%Turkey #6: 4/33 = 12.1%Italy TLB*: 9/79 = 11.4%Lowland Crete: 14/127 = 11.0%Valencia Spain: 8/73 = 11.0%S. Sardinia: 20/187 = 10.7%Turkey #5: 4/43 = 9.3%S. Spain: 15/167 = 9.0%Turkey #7: 8/90 = 8.9%Croatia: 8/90 = 8.9%Turkey #3: 7/83 = 8.4%S. Portugal: 8/100 = 8.0%Ibiza: 4/54 = 7.4%Italy EBL*: 7/95 = 7.4%N. Turkey: 8/112 = 7.1%Turkey #8: 2/30 = 6.7%Mallorca: 4/62 = 6.5%Malta: 12/187 = 6.4%Italy SLA*: 3/51 = 5.9%Italy CMA: 3/59 = 5.1%Lasithi Plateau Crete: 2/41 = 4.9%Italy NWA: 2/46 = 4.3%Turkey #2: 1/29 = 3.4%Haplogroup T: Ibiza, Egypt, Crete, Tunisia, CyprusIbiza: 9/54 = 16.7%S. Egypt: 3/29 = 10.3%Lasithi Plateau Crete: 3/41 = 7.3% (This must be based on the data of Martinez et al. (2007), but Zalloua et al. have copied it as 3/40 = 7.5%)Non contact Tunisia: 5/94 = 5.3%Turkey #5: 2/43 = 4.7%Cyprus: 3/65 = 4.6%E. Sicily: 4/87 = 4.6%Phoenician Heartland: 25/558 = 4.5%Lowland Crete: 5/127 = 3.9%Turkey #9: 3/81 = 3.7%Turkey #7: 3/90 = 3.3%Turkey #8: 1/30 = 3.3%W. Sicily: 4/125 = 3.2%Phoenician Periphery: 22/700 = 3.1%S. Turkey: 1/33 = 3.0%Turkey #6: 1/33 = 3.0%S. Italy: 2/68 = 2.9%Coastal Tunisia: 1/36 = 2.8%Greece: 2/77 = 2.6%Non Phoenician Levant: 7/286 = 2.4%Turkey #3: 2/83 = 2.4%N. Egypt: 1/43 = 2.3%S. Greece: 1/46 = 2.2%N. Greece: 2/96 = 2.1%N. Turkey: 2/112 = 1.8%Mallorca: 1/62 = 1.6%Valencia Spain: 1/73 = 1.4%Greece: 1/78 = 1.3%Turkey #4: 1/82 = 1.2%Turkey #2: 0/29 = 0.0%Minorca: 0/37 = 0.0%Italy NWA: 0/46Albania: 0/51Italy SLA*: 0/51Turkey #1: 0/52Italy NEL*: 0/55Italy WCL: 0/57Italy CMA: 0/59Italy WCP: 0/71Italy TLB*: 0/79Serbia: 0/81N. Sardinia: 0/86 = 0.0%Croatia: 0/90 Italy EBL*: 0/95S. Portugal: 0/100N. Portugal: 0/101S. Spain: 0/167 = 0.0%Malta: 0/187 = 0.0%S. Sardinia: 0/187 = 0.0%Non contact Iberia: 0/383 = 0.0%Haplogroup G: Sardinia, Ibiza, Italy, Egypt, TurkeyN. Sardinia: 18/86 = 20.9%Turkey #8: 6/30 = 20.0%S. Egypt: 5/29 = 17.2%Turkey #3: 13/83 = 15.7%Italy TLB*: 12/79 = 15.2%S. Italy: 10/68 = 14.7%N. Turkey: 16/112 = 14.3%Turkey #5: 6/43 = 14.0%S. Sardinia: 26/187 = 13.9%Italy NWA: 6/46 = 13.0%Ibiza: 7/54 = 13.0%W. Sicily: 16/125 = 12.8%Italy NEL*: 7/55 = 12.7%Turkey #7: 11/90 = 12.2%Italy SLA*: 6/51 = 11.8%Italy WCP: 8/71 = 11.3%Italy EBL*: 10/95 = 10.5%Italy WCL: 6/57 = 10.5%Turkey #2: 3/29 = 10.3%Malta: 17/187 = 9.1%Greece: 7/77 = 9.1%S. Turkey: 3/33 = 9.1%Turkey #6: 3/33 = 9.1%Turkey #4: 7/82 = 8.5%Turkey #9: 6/81 = 7.4%Lasithi Plateau Crete: 3/41 = 7.3%Lowland Crete: 9/127 = 7.1%S. Portugal: 7/100 = 7.0%N. Egypt: 3/43 = 7.0%Italy CMA: 4/59 = 6.8%Non Phoenician Levant: 19/286 = 6.6%Phoenician Periphery: 46/700 = 6.6%Non contact Iberia: 25/383 = 6.5%S. Greece: 3/46 = 6.5%Mallorca: 4/62 = 6.5%N. Greece: 5/96 = 5.2%N. Portugal: 5/101 = 5.0%E. Sicily: 4/87 = 4.6%Phoenician Heartland: 22/558 = 3.9%Turkey #1: 2/52 = 3.8%S. Spain: 6/167 = 3.6%Greece: 2/78 = 2.6%Albania: 1/51 = 2.0%Valencia Spain: 1/73 = 1.4%Serbia: 1/81 = 1.2%Croatia: 1/90 = 1.1%Coastal Tunisia: 0/36Minorca: 0/37Cyprus: 0/65Non contact Tunisia: 0/94Haplogroup I: Croatia, Serbia, Sardinia, Albania, GreeceCroatia: 66/90 = 73.3%Serbia: 29/81 = 35.8%S. Sardinia: 65/187 = 34.8%N. Sardinia: 24/86 = 27.9%S. Greece: 11/46 = 23.9%Italy EBL*: 19/95 = 20.0%Albania: 10/51 = 19.6%Greece: 15/77 = 19.5%Turkey #1: 8?/52 = 15.4%Italy WCP: 9/71 = 12.7%N. Greece: 12/96 = 12.5%W. Sicily: 14/125 = 11.2%Turkey #2: 3/29 = 10.3%Lowland Crete: 13/127 = 10.2%Turkey #9: 8/81 = 9.9%Valencia Spain: 7/73 = 9.6%Malta: 17/187 = 9.1%Italy CMA: 5/59 = 8.5%Mallorca: 5/62 = 8.1%Italy SLA*: 4/51 = 7.8%Greece: 6/78 = 7.7%Cyprus: 5/65 = 7.7%Lasithi Plateau Crete: 3/41 = 7.3%S. Portugal: 7/100 = 7.0%N. Portugal: 7/101 = 6.9%Turkey #8: 2/30 = 6.7%S. Spain: 10/167 = 6.0%S. Italy: 4/68 = 5.9%Phoenician Heartland: 32/558 = 5.7%Non contact Iberia: 21/383 = 5.5%Italy NEL*: 3/55 = 5.5%Italy TLB*: 4/79 = 5.1%Turkey #5: 2/43 = 4.7%E. Sicily: 4/87 = 4.6%N. Turkey: 5/112 = 4.5%Turkey #7: 4/90 = 4.4%S. Egypt: 1/29 = 3.4%Non-Phoenician Levant: 9/286 = 3.1%S. Turkey: 1/33 = 3.0%Turkey #6: 1/33 = 3.0%Phoenician Periphery: 21/700 = 3.0%Minorca: 1/37 = 2.7%Turkey #3: 2/83 = 2.4%Ibiza: 1/54 = 1.9%Italy WCL: 1/57 = 1.8%Coastal Tunisia: 0/36N. Egypt: 0/43Italy NWA: 0/46Turkey #4: 0/82Non contact Tunisia: 0/94